It’s been a rough year. COVID-19, politics, natural disasters, unemployment, police brutality, and more. Through it all we need to keep friends and family close by calling, texting, Zooming, and staying in touch with various other safe, social distance means. You’ll want to see them in person once we get through this year from, well, you know. Keeping one-another top of mind is good for the mind.

Still not working? You’re not alone. Your family and friends understand the economic chaos the past six months have wrought. Try to focus on hobbies that you’ve perhaps put on the back burner far too long. Try to find enjoyment again in things you used to love before your career came along and consumed your life. Breathe.

With time, the virus will eventually be controlled and jobs will return. Between now and then you’ll have wished you picked up some old hobbies or began some new ones, including working out in front of your TV instead of at the gym.

Stay safe. Happy days will return again.